Al-Ghazali on the manners relating to eating is the eleventh chapter of
the Revival of the Religious Sciences which is widely regarded as the
greatest work of the Muslim spirituality. This volume begins the section
dealing with man and society, and the norms of daily life. While
concentrating on a daily activity, eating, al-Ghazali presents the
importance of aligning every aspect of one’s life with religion and
spirituality. Referring extensively to the example of the Prophet and to
early Muslims, al-Ghazali illustrates how the simple activity of eating
can encourage numerous virtues which are themselves necessary for the
remainder of the spiritual life.
The section of Al-Ghazali on the manner relating to eating are divided
into what a person must uphold when eating alone, how a person must
conduct himself when eating in company and the manner of hospitality.
Through these sections, al-Ghazali also discusses lawful and unlawful
foods and practices, cleanliness, fasting, general health issue,
contentment with little and generosity.
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