Dictionary of Islamic Terms English - Arabic & Arabic English (HB)
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Dictionary of Islamic Terms English - Arabic & Arabic English (HB)

Author: Deeb al Khudrawi

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  • Product Code:BKAR92
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Well Presented in two colour and friendly script

A handy reference guide for times when one comes across an unfamiliar Arabic term. Helpful in the study of Qur'an and Hadith,

This collection of Islamic terms and names is a handy reference guide for times when one comes across an unfamiliar Arabic term. Helpful in the study of Qur'an and Hadith, this book is designed in two Sections:

Arab to English:
Arabic Word with transliteration followed by its meaning or an equivalent in the English language.
Example: [Abadi] - Everlasting, eternal, endless

English to Arabic:
English Word (term) followed by its equivalent in Arabic Script

Excellent dictionary, defining numerous Islamic terms.

Obviously any book of this nature can not be absolutely comprehensive , there may be words that will not be included.

Dimensions: 24x17cm

Binding: Hardback

Pages: 716


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