The phenomenon of weak Iman has become very widespread amongst Muslims, and many people complain about the hardness of their hearts. So often we hear the words,
"I feel hardness in my heart,
I do not find any joy in worship,
Reading Qur'an does not move me,
I fall into sin so easily."
So the believer must check his heart, find out the nature and cause of the problem, and start treating it straight away, before it overwhelms him and destroys him. The matter is of the utmost seriousness, for Allah has warned us against the heart that is hardened, closed, sick, blind and sealed.
There follows a discussion of the symptoms of weak iman, what causes it and how it may be treated. We ask Allah (swt) to benefit all Muslim brothers and sisters through this work, and to richly reward all those who have played a part in producing this book, for He is the One Whom we ask to soften our hearts and guide us.
He is our Protector, He is sufficient for us and He is the Best Disposer of affairs. Amin.
(Extracts from the Introduction)
"I feel hardness in my heart,
I do not find any joy in worship,
Reading Qur'an does not move me,
I fall into sin so easily."
So the believer must check his heart, find out the nature and cause of the problem, and start treating it straight away, before it overwhelms him and destroys him. The matter is of the utmost seriousness, for Allah has warned us against the heart that is hardened, closed, sick, blind and sealed.
There follows a discussion of the symptoms of weak iman, what causes it and how it may be treated. We ask Allah (swt) to benefit all Muslim brothers and sisters through this work, and to richly reward all those who have played a part in producing this book, for He is the One Whom we ask to soften our hearts and guide us.
He is our Protector, He is sufficient for us and He is the Best Disposer of affairs. Amin.
(Extracts from the Introduction)
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