The Life of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) (English Translation of Assiratun Nabi) Ibn Kathir
Kathir�s Seerat un Nabi is a great work in Al-Bidaya Wannihaya. While
it has been translated into Urdu, its English translation was long
awaited, and we at Darul-Ishaat feel pleased to present it now. The work
is comprehensive. It begins with the times before the Prophet�s e
birth, reflecting on the conditions as they prevailed then, the
adventure of Abrahah and his dialogue with Abdul Muttalib, the Prophet�s
e birth, and his upbringing as an orphan, the surroundings, his journey
with Abu Talib, his marriage and the first revelation. Then follow the
sequence of events, the uphill task of the Prophet e and his few sahabah
(companions), his banishment together with his tribe for some years in a
social boycott and subsequent realignment, his mi�raj, his hijrah
(emigration) to Madinah and the growth of Islam and liberation of
Makkah. We also read of the Treaty of Hudaybiyah and of the battles, and
the redeeming umrah and the Prophet�s Farewell Hajj, his illness and
death. His miracles also find mention here and there in the book. This
is followed by how the sahabah y conducted themselves thereafter.
Throughout, the book is interspersed with the wise sayings of the
Prophet and his behavior under different circumstances, the accounts of
innumerable people he encountered in his life of sixty three years, and
reactions of different men. This book is good reading and very
informative. We have endeavored in our translation to retain the beauty
of the original.
Cover: Hardback
Publisher: Darul Ishaat
Pages: 918
Size: 25 x 18 cm
Weight: 1735(Gram)
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